The Green Hornet is a 2011 superhero action-comedy film, based on the character of the same name that had originated in a 1930s radio program and has appeared in movie serials, a television series, comic books, and other media. Directed by Michel Gondry, the film stars Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Christoph Waltz and Cameron Diaz.
SYNOPSIS: The father of party guy Britt Reid (Seth Rogan) dies leaving him with a vast media empire. He begins a friendship with one of his father’s employees, Kato (Jay Chou), and they decided to do something meaningful with their lives for the first time ever: fight crime. They hit the streets to become a vigilante crime fighting pair known as The Green Hornet and Kato. They soon come face to face with members of LA’s gritty underworld who have one goal: to rid themselves of The Green Hornet!
List of Players The Green Hornet:
- Seth Rogen as Britt Reid / The Green Hornet:.
- Jay Chou as Kato
- Cameron Diaz as Lenore "Casey" Case
- Tom Wilkinson as James Reid
- Christoph Waltz as Benjamin Chudnofsky families
- David Harbour as D.A. Frank Scanlon
- Edward James Olmos as Mike Axford
- Jamie Harris as Popeye
- Chad Coleman as Chili
- Edward Furlong as Tupper: A meth dealer.
- Analeigh Tipton as Ana Lee
- Jill Remez as Daily Sentinel reporter
- Reuben Langdon as Crackhead
- Jerry Trimble as Chudnofsky's Man
- James Franco (uncredited) as Danny "Crystal" Clear,
Producer Neal H. Moritz considered filming The Green Hornet in Detroit, Michigan, New York City, and Louisiana, but ultimately chose Los Angeles, California, as the primary location shooting. "Ultimately, we made the decision, and thankfully the studio agreed with us, that the creative positives of shooting in Los Angeles outweighed the tax incentives offered to us elsewhere," Moritz said. Principal photography began at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, California on September 2, 2009 for one week. Filming then moved to Chinatown, Los Angeles for scenes featuring Kato's apartment. Through November, other locations included Sun Valley, Holmby Hills (specifically Fleur de Lys, which played the part of the Reid mansion), Bel-Air, Hawthorne and various locations downtown, including City Hall and the Los Angeles Times Building.
Nicolas Cage had been in talks to play the role of Benjamin Chudnofsky,saying in 2009, "The Green Hornet was something I wanted to do. I think Michel Gondry is very talented and I had hoped it would work. But I think Seth Rogen and Michel had a different direction for the character totally than the way I wanted to go. ... I wasn't interested in just being straight-up bad guy who was killing people willy-nilly. I had to have some humanity and try to give it something where you could understand why the character was the way he was. But there wasn't enough time to develop it.
The production modified 29 Imperial Crown sedans from model years 1964 to 1966 to portray the Green Hornet's luxurious supercar, the Black Beauty. Twenty-six of those cars were wrecked during production and three survived in pristine condition.
"The Green Hornet" took in $11.1 million on its opening day, $33,526,876 over the three-day weekend, and just over $40 million for the four-day Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday weekend, topping the box office. In its second weekend, it dropped 47% to $17.7 million, finishing second to No Strings Attached. In its third weekend, it earned $11.2 million and finished in fourth place. As of June 19, 2011, the film has earned $98,780,042 domestically and $227,817,248 worldwide.
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