Taking on the UPA government, Jayalalithaa-led AIADMK on Saturday demanded an explanation from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Congress President Sonia Gandhi and Home Minister P Chidambaram on former Telecom Minister A Raja's charges in 2G spectrum scam of "Himalayan proportions".
"The Prime Minister and the Home Minister have not given any reply even days after the former Telecom Minister had named them in connection with the scam of Himalayan proportions," said a resolution adopted at AIADMK Executive Council meeting chaired by party General Secretary Jayalalithaa in Chennai.
It said the "Congress President and UPA Chairperson has not expressed her opinion," on the issue so far.
"People have a right to know the truth in this matter. The Executive insists that in deference to people's views, the Prime Minister, the Home Minister and the Congress President should immediately reply to Raja's charges," the resolution said.
In his deposition before the court early this week, Raja had dragged the Prime Minister and Chidamabaram, the then Finance Minister, in 2G case, saying the issue of sale of equity by spectrum licencees was discussed with them.
The resolution comes close on the heels of Jayalalithaa asking her party MPs to take on Congress on a host of issues, including 2G spectrum and spiralling prices of commodities, in Parliament session beginning Monday.
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